June 15, 2023
Crystal Mountain - Betsie Valley Golf Course
Golf registration deadline is Friday, June 2, 2023
Thursday, June 15, 2023 | Crystal Mountain - Betsie Valley
Shotgun start at 1:00pm
The cost is $95 per person. This price includes green fees, cart rental, beverages, prizes, and a donation to the Gary Easton Scholarship Fund.
This event is open to attendees and vendors. Anyone not registering as a foursome will be placed with other individuals (conference attendees and/or vendors alike) to assemble a foursome. Though every effort will be made to ensure a good mix of attendees and vendors for each foursome, final foursome groupings are not guaranteed.
Mulligans - We will be offering mulligans at a cost of $5 each. Proceeds for the purchase of a mulligan (considered a "do-over") are donated to the Gary Easton Scholarship Fund. Each purchased mulligan allows one player (not team) to take a "do-over." For each player who takes a mulligan, it will require one mulligan per attempt.
Deadline to register is June 2, 2023
Gary Easton | geaston@charter.net
Tammi Connell | conference@mcmcfc.org