Our Programs and Services
The Michigan County Medical Care Facilities (MCFs) have a long and proud history of serving the people of the state of Michigan and providing a quality of care that is unsurpassed.
Each facility is individual in terms of its size, appearance and specific services, resulting from its focus on meeting the needs of its community. Each facility has its own mix of programs, services and activities tailored to the needs of its residents to provide the greatest possible quality of life. The Administrator and staff of each facility seek to create a sparkling clean, attractive, home-like environment, with choices of activities that will appeal to individual interests and will contribute to each person’s sense of well-being. Medical Care Facilities are consistently ranked higher than other skilled nursing facilities for the quality of care that is provided and the degree of satisfaction of residents and their families.

Therapy, including physical, occupational and speech, is available at all facilities. Some facilities provide art, music or even pet therapy.
In addition to the skillful nursing care provided in all facilities, some MCFs have special needs units or programs for Alzheimer’s or other dementia patients. Dental care, vision care and more generalized mental health care are also available at some facilities.
Adult day care, for those not requiring 24-hour care, is available at some locations, as is respite care, to provide temporary care to a patient and a brief break for the person who is their normal caregiver. Most facilities also offer end of life care.
Many facilities bring the local communities into their skilled nursing facilities via volunteers, visits from school children, and church groups. Some even offer on-site child day care. MCFs also traditionally involve the families of residents in various activities, such as holiday parties.
All the Michigan County Medical Care Facilities provide 24-hour skilled nursing care. The spectrum of services is likely to include the full range from sub-acute care for the individual who no longer needs hospital care but still requires skilled nursing, to the person needing short term rehabilitation and on to the long term chronically ill. At each stage, specially trained staff provides the type and level of care that will maximize the abilities of the resident and encourage their greatest degree of independence.

The selection of activities in Michigan County Medical Care Facilities is almost as varied as in the general population. Using staff or volunteers, facilities may offer such activities as exercise, outings into the community, games, discussion groups, crafts, educational programs, spiritual programs, children’s visits, cooking, theme days, picnics, parties, special events, art, etc.
We hope that you will look closely at the information provided on each individual web page for the 34 Michigan county Medical Care Facilities.