Service Locations


Service Locations

Manistee County MCF

Manistee County MCF
Contact Information
1505 East Parkdale Avenue, Manistee, Michigan, USA 49660
Phone: 231-723-2543

The Manistee County Medical Care Facility (MCMCF) is a skilled care, not-for-profit nursing facility located in Manistee, Mich. Operated by the County of Manistee in conjunction with the Department of Human Services of the state of Michigan, the facility has 100 beds and provides complete skilled nursing care, including comprehensive rehabilitation services. Established in 1868 as the County Farm and Hospital, it has evolved into the MCMCF which has grown steadily over the years. In 1959, the current building was constructed with the most recent expansion occurring in 2004 when 20 additional resident rooms were added as part of a $2 million expansion and renovation project. MCMCF has a staff of approximately 170, including nurses, physical therapists, social workers, aides, laundry staff, plant maintenance and dietary staff as well as a large group of volunteers from throughout the community. The staff is dedicated to providing the best possible care to the residents. They are constantly undergoing training and listen to the residents to determine how they can improve their services. The facility is located immediately adjacent to the West Shore Medical Center, the regional hospital that serves the Manistee area, which can provide emergency services as required.

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