Service Locations
Pleasant View (Shiawassee County)
Pleasant View Medical Care Facility in Shiawassee County opened in February 1953, dedicated to “… the tired and the aged, the indigent and the ill, the forgotten, and homeless of the county, with the wish that it may ever be a place of healing refuge from the storm tossed world." The first residents were the sick residents from the County Poor Farm and Infirmary. The original Poor Farm was torn down in 1960 after 80 years. Shiawassee County Medical Care Facility provides the nurturing, caring, supportive environment necessary for our elders and young adults to live out their lives with dignity. Over two-thirds of our residents are in their 80s and 90s. Because more community-based services are now available for usual health care needs, our residents have complex health issues that require 24-hour care beyond the ability of family and friends to provide in the home or community based setting. For many we provide the residents’ home and they expect to live out their life with us. However, with our excellent Rehabilitation Service, we are able to return others to community life after a stay ranging from 3 weeks to a few months. Our activities program ensures that our residents find their time enjoyable and worth living. We build relationships and friendships among residents, staff, families and visitors. We are indeed a place of healing as envisioned so long ago in 1953.